Διαβάστε μερικές από τις πολύ ενδιαφέρουσες ερωτήσεις που τέθηκαν κατά τη διάρκεια του Συνεδρίου του ΕΛΙΠΥΚΑ, στις 7 & 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2020. Στις ερωτήσεις απαντά ο Δρ Guido Zaccarelli, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της STZ S.r.l., εταιρείας μηχανικών με ειδίκευση στην πυρασφάλεια. Η παρουσίαση του κ. Zaccarelli είχε τίτλο «Η Ιταλική προσέγγιση σχετικά με την πυροπροστασία και τoυς αντίστοιχους τεχνικούς κώδικες».

1. What percentage of buildings that are obligated to get a fire certificate actually get inspected by firefighters?

Not all buildings are subject to Fire fighters’ control, but only those which are considered more dangerous (the list of activities can be found in the DPR 1 agosto 2011, n. 151). Among the activities that are subject to Fire fighters’ control, in theory all have to be inspected at the end of construction or renovation works. There are not official statistics, and my impression is that things can vary a bit depending on the different Fire fighters commands, that in Italy are about 100; but I think that, among those buildings that have to be inspected, a very high percentage of them are actually inspected by Fire fighters. If I had to give a number, I would say 90%.

2. How does one become fire engineer in Italy?

There are different figures who deal with fire safety in Italy, mainly two: a “tecnico abilitato”, that can be translated in “registered technician” and a “professionista antincendio”, than can be translated in “fire engineer”. First of all, we need a technician: an engineer, an architect, but also some high school graduates in technical matters can work in fire safety, not necessary with an University degree. A technician has to be inscribed in an Italian professional register, and for this there is an exam; this is a first problem for foreign engineer. The exam is difficult and it’s in Italian. A technician inscribed in a professional register can sign some documents concerning fire safety, but not all of them. To have the possibility to sign all the possible documents, a registered technician can attend a 120 hours course organized by the National Fire fighters Corp and, after the exam, he/she becomes a “fire enginer”, and the Ministery of Interior has the list of all fire engineer. The course and the exam are difficult, and are in Italian. A fire engineer has to attend periodical refreshing courses (in Italian). In the past we made efforts to open this procedure to foreigners. For example, our proposals were to organize courses and exams at least in English, and to open the courses to technicians who are registered in their respective countries, at least inside the European Union. Unfortunately, so far our efforts have been unsuccessful. This does not mean that foreign fire engineers cannot find a job in Italy. Fire Safety Engineering, with the use of fluidodynamic simulation, is expanding a lot in Italy, and many consulting companies and fire engineers need to hire skilled people who are able to use simulation programs like FDS.

*Οι απαντήσεις των ομιλητών εκφράζουν τις επιστημονικές και εμπειρικές τους απόψεις, παρουσιάζονται δε αυτούσιες χωρίς καμιά παρέμβαση από το ΕΛΙΠΥΚΑ.


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