2nd Conference for the Fire Protection of Structures
The conference is the most dynamic and promising meeting in the broader area of Fire Safety of Buildings and Structures, aiming at informing and strengthening the networking of all interested parties
At a glance
The Hellenic Institute for the Fire Protection of Structures (ELIPYKA), after the 1st very successful conference, organizes the 2nd Conference for the Fire Protection of Structures on 20 & 21 May 2022, at the Thessaloniki Concert Hall.
In the past 2 years, there are important developments and events.
The Fire Protection of Buildings and Structures, day by day rises higher in the priorities of the Construction Sector. The experiences of almost 4 years from the implementation of the Building Fire Protection Regulation, its updating, the creation of a National Network of Testing Laboratories, the requirements for trained, specialized human resources, both at the level of engineers and craftsmen, the new requirements that emerge due to electrification, the categorization of buildings in terms of Fire Protection and a variety of other issues that will be discussed, will enrich the thinking of stakeholders.
The 2nd ELIPYKA Conference for the Fire Protection of Structures will be a summit meeting of the Community of Engineers, Professionals, Scientists, Producers and Public Officials, with which it is hoped that answers and solutions to everyday problems of the interested parties will be given.
Why join?
Learn about the new Technical, Scientific and Business Environment created by the implementation of the New Fire Protection Regulation of Buildings in Greece and in European Union, in general.
Look, listen and share thoughts and opinions enriching your cognitive background and gain from the experiences of others by mutually exchanging your experience and facts happened during the course of your professional activities.
Join the Community of the Fire Safety and Protection of Structures Experts, connect with the individual members that fit more to your interests and professional needs and adapt promptly your plans for a better future of your business or research. Learn about Harmonized European Standards, CE Marking, European Guidelines, Special Standards from other countries, Certifications and Testing, in the field of Fire Protection of Structures. Become more updated and efficient by understanding the “state of the art” technology of materials, products and structures with you, gaining an advanced position over your competitors.
Conference Program:
FRIDAY - 20/5/2022
Α - Building Fire Protection: An International Overview
Coordinator: Y. Kontoulis, President ELIPYKA
Spatial Planning and Fire Protection
Efthimios Bakogiannis
General Secretary of Spatial Planning and Urban Environment, Assistant Professor NTUA
Fire safety engineering approach in the built environment – Status, challenges and the future in the EU
Dr Adamantia Athanasopoulou
Scientific Project Officer at the Joint Research Centre
How can the European Union improve the fire safety of buildings?
Managing Director of Fire Safe Europe
Testing & Certification – Middle East Market Entry
David Campbell
Μaterial, product and system fire testing and certification specialist, Emirates Safety Laboratory
Experience and lessons learned, from existing building risk indexing methods
Vasileios Koutsomarkos
Civil Engineer, PhD Candidate, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Q/A – Discussion
Coffee break
Β - Building Fire Protection in Greece: Present and Future
Coordinator: Th. Panidis, Professor Univ. of Patras
A new framework for the supervision of economic activities
Christos Tsavalopoulos
Lieutenant Fire Colonel. Dep. Preventive Fire Protection, Directorate of the Legal Support, Hellenic Fire Brigade Headquarters
Regulatory framework for standard testing and classification of construction products in fire conditions
Dr. Dionysios Kolaitis
Technical Manager of NTUA’s Fire Engineering Unit.
Property Insurance and Fire protection
Panagiotis Megalooikonomou
Mechanical Engineer, Senior Risk Consultant Engineer, EUROLIFE FFH
Recent developments in Hellenic electrical legislation for the protection against fire from electrical origin
Georgios Sarris
Electrical engineer, expert member at ELOT TC 82
An Introduction to Smoke Management – Smoke Shafts and CFD
Kostantinos Bazigos
M.Sc. Fire Engineering University LEEDS UK, Fire Engineer
Q/A – Discussion
C - Fire Behaviour of Construction Materials
Coordinator: G. Iliadis, Dr. Mechanical Eng., ELIPYKA BOD
Concrete performance under elevated temperatures
Professor Kosmas K. Sideris
Civil Engineering Dep. Democritus University of Thrace
Fire resistance tests of fireproof glass systems. Criteria for implementation and full compliance
Konstantina Charitou
Civil Engineer, MSc, Fire Protection Systems Applcation, ilicon P.C
Wood construction products behavior in fire conditions
Andrianos Koklas
Mechanical Engineer Researcher PhD candidate NTUA
Evaluation of fire reaction characteristics of new materials with a cone calorimeter
PhD in the field of Wake Vortex Interaction, Univ. of Patras
The use of Polymers (Pipes and Fittings) in automatic Sprinkler Networks
Nikolaos Kyradis
Quality Assurance Manager, R&D Coordinator, Interplast S.A.
Q/A – Discussion
Coffee break
D - Passive and Active Fire Protection Systems
Coordinator: St. Chadiarakou, Dr. Mechanical Eng. ELIPYKA Scientific Committee
Fire Sealing of Penetrations and Linear joints
Athanasios Merlis
Mechanical Eng., Technical & Commercial Support, Knauf Gypsopiia A.B.E.E
Product certification versus System certification
Research and Development Manager, SteelMaster Products, Global R&D Intumescent, Jotun Performance Coatings
Fire-Resistant Building Products in Europe and the World
Peter Plettenberg
Lead Auditor, Fire Prot. Product Certification NoBo ift Rosenheim GmbH
Application of Intumescent Passive Fire Protection Coatings
Fotios Sakelliadis
Corrosion Engineer, Painting-coating inspector FROSIO LEVEL III
Latest system advances and best practices of active fire protection
Ioannis Meletiadis
Professional Doctorate in Engineering, Zarifopoulos S.A.
Q/A – Discussion
SATURDAY - 21/5/2022
E - Façade Fires
Coordinator: D. Kolaitis, Dr. Mechanical Eng. Fire Engineering Unit NTUA
Fire safety – Role of European Commission
Heikki Väänänen
European Commission, DG GROW, Policy Officer
Finalization of the European approach to assess the fire performance of facades
Johan Anderson
Senior Researcher at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Façade Fires: Case Studies and Lessons Learned
Mathieu Meur
Director of DP Façade, provision of strategic and technical leadership
Βest practices in passive fire protection for facades
Ricky Kay
Fire Protection Façade specialist, SIDERISE
Challenges of fire and facades: a UK perspective
Peter Goff
Associate Director in the London Façade Engineering team, Buro Happold
Jamie Lee McQuillan
Associate co-leading the London Fire Engineering team, Buro Happold
Fire Safety Barriers in contact façade systems: importance to limit the fire spread
Domen Ivanšek
Head of Building Science, Knauf Insulation
Q/A – Discussion
Coffee break
F - Wildland Fires
Coordinator: G. Mylonakis, General Manager ELIPYKA
Fire protection of buildings near forest areas
Architect Eng., Ηead Department of Architecture, Building Regulations and Licensing, Ministry of Environment and Energy
Governance and Interagency Exchange in Wildfire Management
Pooja Pandey
PhD candidate at CERIDES –European University Cyprus
Wild-Urban Interface Fires: Basic Characteristics and Measures for the Fire Protecrtion of Structures
Christos N. Pallikarakis
Mechanical Engineer Researcher PhD candidate NTUA
Field study of a smart extinguishing material for use in forest and wildland–urban interface fires
Michalis Chalaris
Assistant Professor of Chemistry, IHU & Retd Major General (HFCs)
The 2021 Arakapas wildfire: implications for management approaches to wildfire risk in Cyprus
Judith Kirschner
PhD candidate at CERIDES –European University Cyprus
Q/A – Discussion
G - Building Fire Protection: Future Challenges
Coordinator: M. Chalaris, Assoc. Professor Int.Hellenic University
Fire protection of historic buildings
Kyriakos Papaioannou
Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering, A.U.TH.
The role of fire safety engineers in building design process: an architect’s survey on fire safety competency
Franklyn Okwara
Fire Safety Expert Modern Building Alliance
Seismic bracing for sprinkler systems: the new European design approach
Matteo Alessandro Baleni
Business Development Manager nVent CADDY seismic protection division, SE Europe
External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems with Stone Wool: Energy upgrade without degrading the fire protection of the building
Christos Chatziastrou
Chemist MSc. Building Materials, FIBRAN Technical Support Director
Educational Vision and Training Programs ELIPYKA
George Mylonakis
Physicist (M.Sc.), General Manager ELIPYKA and Coordinator of the Education Committee
Q/A – Discussion
Coffee break
Dr. D. Kolaitis, Technical Manager of NTUA’s Fire Engineering Unit
P. Megalooikonomou, Mechanical Engineer, Senior Risk Consultant Engineer, EUROLIFE FFH
Chr. Tsavalopoulos, Lieutenant Fire Colonel. Dept. Preventive Fire Protection, Directorate of the Legal Support, Hellenic Fire Brigade Headquarters

Celine Abadie
Research and Development Manager, SteelMaster Products Global R&D Intumescent, Jotun Performance Coatings

Dr Adamantia Athanasopoulou
Scientific Project Officer at the Joint Research Centre

Johan Anderson
Senior Researcher at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Eng. Matteo Baleni
Business Development Manager nVent CADDY seismic protection division, SE Europe

Efthimios Bakogiannis
General Secretary of Spatial Planning and Urban Environment, Assistant Professor NTUA

Κonstantinos Bazigos
M.Sc. Fire Engineering University LEEDS UK, Fire Engineer

David Campbell
Μaterial, product and system fire testing and certification specialist, Emirates Safety Laboratory

Dr Chalaris Michail
Assistant Professor of Chemistry, IHU & Retd Major General (HFCs)

Konstantina Charitou
Civil Engineer, MSc, Fire Protection Systems Applcation, ilicon P.C

Christos Chatziastrou
Chemist MSc. Building Materials, FIBRAN Technical Support Director

Peter Goff
Associate Director in the London Façade Engineering team, Buro Happold

Domen Ivanšek
Head of Building Science, Knauf Insulation

Ricky Kay
Fire Protection Façade specialist, SIDERISE

Andrianos Koklas
Mechanical Engineer Researcher PhD candidate NTUA

Dr. Dionysios Kolaitis
Technical Manager of NTUA’s Fire Engineering Unit.

Vasileios Koutsomarkos
Civil Engineer, PhD Candidate, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Nikos Kiradis
Quality Assurance Manager, R&D Coordinator, Interplast S.A.

Judith Kirschner
PhD candidate at CERIDES –European University Cyprus

Jamie Lee McQuillan
Associate co-leading the London Fire Engineering team, Buro Happold

Panagiotis Megalooikonomou
Mechanical Engineer, Senior Risk Consultant Engineer, EUROLIFE FFH

Ioannis Meletiadis
Professional Doctorate in Engineering, Zarifopoulos S.A.

Athanasios Merlis
Mechanical Eng., Technical & Commercial Support, Knauf Gypsopiia A.B.E.E

Mathieu Meur
Director of DP Façade, provision of strategic and technical leadership

George Mylonakis
Physicist (M.Sc.), General Manager ELIPYKA and Coordinator of the Education Committee

Franklyn Okwara
Fire Safety Expert Modern Building Alliance

Christos N. Pallikarakis
Mechanical Engineer Researcher PhD candidate NTUA

Pooja Pandey
PhD candidate at CERIDES –European University Cyprus

Dr Kyriakos K. Papaioannou
Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering, A.U.TH.

Peter Plettenberg
Lead Auditor, Fire Prot. Product Certification NoBo ift Rosenheim GmbH

Eugenio Quintieri
Managing Director of Fire Safe Europe

Alexandros Romeos
PhD in the field of Wake Vortex Interaction, Univ. of Patras

Fotios Sakelliadis
Corrosion Engineer, Painting-coating inspector FROSIO LEVEL III

Georgios Sarris
Electrical engineer, expert member at ELOT TC 82

Professor Kosmas K. Sideris
Civil Engineering Dep. Democritus University of Thrace

Athina Skarla
Architect Eng., Ηead Department of Architecture, Building Regulations and Licensing, Ministry of Environment and Energy

Christos L. Tsavalopoulos
Lieutenant Fire Colonel. Depτ. Preventive Fire Protection, Directorate of the Legal Support, Hellenic Fire Brigade Headquarters

Heikki Väänänen
European Commission, DG GROW, Policy Officer
Conference Scientific Committee:
Dr. Dionysios Kolaitis
Mechanical Engineer,
Technical Director of Fire Engineering Unit, School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens
Dr. Thrasyvoulos Panidis
Mechanical Engineer,
Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, University of Patras
Dr. Michael Halaris
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, International Hellenic University,
ret. General of Greek Fire Service
Dr. Amaya Osacar
member of several Working Groups of the CEN CT 127
Organizing Committee of the Conference:
Alkmini Anastasiadou, Fotini Zarifopoulou, Dr. Dionysios Kolaitis, Maria Lazarimou, Vicky Malliri, Evangellos Michos, George Mylonakis, Dr. Stella Chadiarakou